vendredi 20 octobre 2017

José @ "Dutch Diana Ross" Show

Earlier today, José Hoebee and Luv' tour manager and friend David Hay Gibson attended the Dutch Diana Ross Show at the WZH Nieuw Berkendael health center in The Hague, NL. Other Dutch celebrities were present. Among them: actor Paul van Gorcum and media personality Vivian Boelen with whom José posed for pictures. 

 José & Paul van Gorcum (photo courtesy of David Hay Gibson)

José and Vivian Boelen

Source: Henk Ros (

Marco Knijnenburg (Holland's most famous Diana Ross impersonator) gave a heartfelt and stunning performance. In addition to his artistic activities, Marco works as a healthcare professional. This event was a good opportunity to mix two different worlds: show business and health care. 

José expressed satisfaction about Marco's performance on her Facebook page. 

José & David's invitation to the Dutch Diana Ross Show


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